Per risolvere questo problema, eseguire la procedura seguente:
1. Inserire il disco di avvio Windows XP nell'unità disco floppy, o inserire il CD di Windows XP nell'unità CD-ROM e quindi riavviare il computer.
2. Fare clic per selezionare le opzioni necessarie per avviare il computer dall'unità CD se viene chiesto a tale scopo.
3. Quando viene visualizzata la schermata "Installazione", premere R per avviare la Console di ripristino.
4. Nel caso di un sistema ad avvio multiplo, selezionare l'installazione a cui si desidera accedere dalla Console di ripristino di emergenza.
5. Quando viene richiesto, digitare la password dell'amministratore. Se la password dell'amministratore è vuota, premere INVIO.
6. Al prompt di comando la Console di ripristino di emergenza, digitare le righe riportate di seguito. Premere INVIO dopo l'immissione di ogni riga.
cd system32
ren ntkrnlpa.exe ntkrnlpa.old
ren ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnl.old
cd "c:\windows\driver cache\i386"
expand -F:ntkrpamp.exe c:\windows\system32
expand -F:ntkrnlmp.exe c:\windows\system32
cd c:\windows\system32
ren ntkrpamp.exe ntkrnlpa.exe
ren ntkrnlmp.exe ntoskrnl.exe
For some reason the above-mentioned method did not work for me! I think it was because the file itself was not an issue, but that there were some problems with the hard drive itself. So after trying to copy the new Ntfs.sys file from the CD and that not working, I thought I would try to run CHKDSK.
You can run CHKDSK from the Recovery Console itself. So you would follow the same instructions as mentioned above, but instead of typing in the three DOS commands above, you would type in the following at the command prompt:
CHKDSK /RThe /R is a command line switch that says to repair any errors that are found on the hard disk automatically. CHKDSK can take quite some time to run, so be ready to wait. It took about 30 minutes on my computer.
Luckily for me, there were several errors on the disk and CHKDSK fixed them all. I restarted the computer and Windows loaded fine, no missing ntfs.sys error!
Repair Ntfs.sys by doing a repair install of Windows XP
If none of the above-mentioned methods worked, you can try to do a repair install of Windows XP, which basically replaces all of the Windows system files. Your applications and settings will remain intact, but you will have to reapply all Windows updates.Doing a repair install is pretty easy, the starting steps are the same as for getting into the Recovery Console, but instead of pressing R to repair, you press Enter to setup Windows.
Then you simply select the installation you want to repair and press R to start the repair.
Note that it may look like Windows is actually re-installing a fresh copy of itself, but this is not the case! You’ll see the install screens like if you were to do a fresh install, but don’t worry, you’ll still have all of your applications, settings, and data.
Hopefully you now have a working computer! If you are getting stuck somewhere, etc, post a comment and I’ll try to help you out! Good luck!
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